KRIN barrique - the top level dry red wine, made of type Vranac - originally from Montenegro, of dark red color with purple tones. Wine tastes like burned oak-tree and there is a flavor of sweet ripe raspberries and fresh cranberries. From oak trees in most famous French forest were made barrique barrels, in which wine is maturing than kept in bottles under strictly controlled conditions. It goes good with all red meat, spiced and greasily, with all meats made of wild animals, ham and all fat cheese.
DIONIS barrique - the top level dry red wine, made by blending 3 grape sorts : Vranac, Marselan, Petit Verdot (all planted in our vineyard), of dark red color with purple tones. Tastes like burned oak, fruit and cranberry. From oak trees in most famous French forest were made barrique barrels, in which this wine is maturing then kept under strictly controlled conditions. It goes good with all red meat, spiced and greasily, with all meats made of wild animals, ham and all fat cheese.
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CRMNIČKI VRANAC barrique 2010. - the top level dry red wine, of dark red color, with purple tones, made by selecting and choosing berries of grape sort Vranac - originally from Montenegro. Unique and complex flavors of the burned oak, dark chocolate, cinnamon and fruity flavors. Produced in a limited quantity and stock of 300 bottles. From oak trees in most famous French forest were made barrique barrels, in which this wine is maturing then kept under strictly controlled conditions. It goes good with all red meat, spiced and greasily, with all meats made of wild animals, ham and all fat cheese.
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BUĆA barrique - the top level dry red wine, made by blending 5 grape sorts : Vranac, Marselan, Petit Verdot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Sangiovese (all planted in our vineyard), of dark red color with purple tones. Unique and complex flavors of the burned oak, dark chocolate, cinnamon and fruity flavors. Produced in a limited quantity and stock of 500 bottles. From oak trees in most famous French forest were made barrique barrels, in which this wine is maturing then kept under strictly controlled conditions. It goes good with all red meat, spiced and greasily, with all meats made of wild animals, ham and all fat cheese.
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KRIN barrique - the top level dry red wine, made of type Vranac - originally from Montenegro, of dark red color with purple tones. Wine tastes like burned oak-tree and there is a flavor of sweet ripe raspberries and fresh cranberries. From oak trees in most famous French forest were made barrique barrels, in which wine is maturing than kept in bottles under strictly controlled conditions. It goes good with all red meat, spiced and greasily, with all meats made of wild animals, ham and all fat cheese.
Вино “Крин” barrique - Сухое красное
вино высшего качества, сделано из сортов винограда Вранац с плантации Ораховского поля - Црмница. Темно - красное
вино розового оттенка, имеет терпкий вкус, фруктовый аромат, вкус спелой малины
и свежей брусники . Дозревало вино в дубовых бочках лучшего качества и
хранилось в винном погребе. Рекомендуется
употреблять ко всем видам красного мяса с маслинами и специями, пршутом
(вяленное мясо), рыбой и всеми видами сыров. Вино сервируется
температурой от 18-20 C.
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DIONIS barrique - the top level dry red wine, made by blending 3 grape sorts : Vranac, Marselan, Petit Verdot (all planted in our vineyard), of dark red color with purple tones. Tastes like burned oak, fruit and cranberry. From oak trees in most famous French forest were made barrique barrels, in which this wine is maturing then kept under strictly controlled conditions. It goes good with all red meat, spiced and greasily, with all meats made of wild animals, ham and all fat cheese.
Вино “Дионис” barrique - Сухое красное
вино высшего качества, получено из смеси трех сортов винограда : Черногорского
винограда сорта Вранац, французкого винограда сорта Mарселан и Пти Вердо с плантации Ораховского поля - Црмница. Темно красное
вино розового оттенка, имеет терпкий вкус, фруктовый аромат, вкус лесных ягод и
брусники. Дозревало в дубовых бочках лучшего качества и хранилось в винном
погребе. Рекомендуется
употреблять ко всем видам красного мяса с маслинами и специями, пршутом
(вяленное мясо), рыбой и всеми видами сыров. Вино сервируется
температурой от 18-20 C.
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ВРАНАЦ БАРРИК 2010. - Высококачественное сухое
вино темно-красного цвета с пурпурным оттенком. Обладает выраженным ароматом
жженого дуба, с присутствием вкуса спелых ягод малины и клюквы. Бочки, в
которых выдерживается это вино, изготовлены из дуба, произрастающего в
знаменитых лесах Франции. После розлива вина в бутылки оно хранится в строго
контролируемых условиях. Отлично сочетается с
блюдами из красного мяса, из любой дичи, с острой и жирной пищей, с сырокопченой ветчиной, а также с жирными сырами. Сервируется при температуре 18-20 ° C
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BUĆA barrique - the top level dry red wine, made by blending 5 grape sorts : Vranac, Marselan, Petit Verdot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Sangiovese (all planted in our vineyard), of dark red color with purple tones. Unique and complex flavors of the burned oak, dark chocolate, cinnamon and fruity flavors. Produced in a limited quantity and stock of 500 bottles. From oak trees in most famous French forest were made barrique barrels, in which this wine is maturing then kept under strictly controlled conditions. It goes good with all red meat, spiced and greasily, with all meats made of wild animals, ham and all fat cheese.
Вино “Буча” barrique - Сухое красное вино высшего качества, получено из смеси пяти сортов винограда: Черногорского винограда сорта Вранац, Mарселан, Пти Вердо, Санджиовесе, Каберне Савиньон, с плантации Ораховского поля - Црмница. Темно - красное вино розового оттенка, очень насыщенное и изысканое, имеет единственный и неповторимый терпкий вкус, фруктовый аромат, вкус лесных ягод, брусники темного шоколада и корицы. Дозревало в дубовых бочках лучшего качества и хранилось в винном погребе. Произведено
ограниченное количество - 500 бутылок. Рекомендуется
употреблять ко всем видам красного мяса с маслинами и специями, пршутом
(вяленное мясо), рыбой и всеми видами сыров. Вино сервируется
температурой от 18-20 C.
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RESERVE WINES : 1988., 1990., 1996., 1999., 2006. - wine separated from best harvest, matured in oak barrels and bottles about 3-5 years, after that was done new filtration then filled in new bottles. Those wines are with good balance of fruit character, matured aging in wine cellar. It can undoubtedly be classified along with large ripe powerful wines. It is recommended to open the bottle at least half an hour before tasting.
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ВРАНАЦ РЕЗЕРВ 1988, 1990, 1996, 1999, 2006. - Для этого вина были отобраны лучшие гроздья урожая, сок
из них выдерживался в дубовых бочках, а затем 3-5 лет в бутылках. Cтарение развило его тонкий букет. Вранац Резерв, созревший в процессе
выдержки в винном погребе, обладает гармоничным фруктовым характером. С полным
правом может встать в один ряд со знаменитыми зрелыми винами. Это вино следует
открывать и переливать в кувшин не позднее чем за полчаса до употребления. Прекрасно
сочетается с изысканными блюдами, высококачественными сырами и всевозможными
пирожными. Сервируется при
температуре 18-20 ° C.
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TRE SORELLE barrique (semi sweet) - the top level semi sweet wine, of dark red color. The late harvest of selected berries increases naturally the concentration of sugar in grapes. It's a blend of Marselan, Sangiovese and cabernet Sauvignon. This wine is outstandingly full-bodied, round, complex with rich fruity-creamy aftertaste and chocolate finish. From oak trees in most famous French forest were made barrique barrels, in which this wine is maturing then kept under strictly controlled conditions.
Вино “Tre Sorelle – Природно сладкий” barrique
Природно сладкое вино, темно - красного
цвета, сделано из винограда с плантации Ораховского поля - Црмница.
Поздним сбором ягоды природным путем
увеличена концентрация остаточного сахара в винограде. Полученное вино очень
насыщено, изысканое и
оставляет богатый фруктово-кремовый вкус с послевкусием шоколада. Рекомендуется
употреблять с фруктами, кофем, шоколадом и с любыми десертами. Вино сервируется
температурой от 15-18C.
CRMNIČKA LOZOVA RAKIJA - GRAPE BRANDY - Grape brandy is produced from grapes from family vineyard. It's been made in the small volume copper vats, in the manner in which it had been made for centuries in Montenegro. The grapevine twigs and old branches are placed under the copper vats. Distillation runs very slowly with good cooling in order to achieve better quality.
DUNJA - QUINCE BRANDY - Preserving tradition and using a centuries-old recipe, with the help of modern technology, we were able to produce a brandy from the best homemade fruit, from our own property. Produced in limited quantities.
JABUKA - APPLE BRANDY - Preserving tradition and using a centuries-old recipe, with the help of modern technology, we were able to produce a brandy from the best homemade fruit, from our own property. Produced in limited quantities.
KRUŠKA - PEAR BRANDY - Preserving tradition and using a centuries-old recipe, with the help of modern technology, we were able to produce a brandy from the best homemade fruit, from our own property. Produced in limited quantities.
ŠLJIVA - PLUM BRANDY - Preserving tradition and using a centuries-old recipe, with the help of modern technology, we were able to produce a brandy from the best homemade fruit, from our own property. Produced in limited quantities.
KIVI - KIWI BRANDY - Preserving tradition and using a centuries-old recipe, with the help of modern technology, we were able to produce a brandy from the best homemade fruit, from our own property. Produced in limited quantities.
NAR - POMEGRANATE BRANDY - Preserving tradition and using a centuries-old recipe, with the help of modern technology, we were able to produce a brandy from the best homemade fruit, from our own property. Produced in limited quantities.
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